Change or cancellation of a COD amount

Change the COD

  • In case of an unfulfilled order (not collected by a courier), the order should be cancelled and a new one should be entered with a correct amount of collection. Unfulfilled orders cannot be edited,
  • In case of a fulfilled order (picked-up by courier), please contact us using the contact form.

Cancell the COD

  • In case of an unfulfilled order (not picked up by the courier), you must cancel the order and generate a new one without the COD amount,
  • In case of an processed order (picked up by a courier) it is possible to request cancellation of a COD using the contact form.


The courier company does not guarantee the processing of the request to change/cancel a COD.

The sender is responsible for the accuracy of data in the order.

In case of instructions to change / cancel the COD, delivery may be delayed by several working days.